Saturday, June 23, 2007

All hail the contributors...

Yesterday I emailed all the people who had contributed stories or photos to the book or answered my survey on breastfeeding. I've been keeping them up to date on the progress of Breastfeeders Anonymous over the last few years and it felt awesome to be able to say IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!

In less than twenty-four hours, I've had zillions of emails from the gorgeous people sharing my excitment that something that both celebrates breastfeeding and helps new and prospective mums in a fun way is finally going to be OUT THERE!

So, I thought I'd take the opportunity today to post one phot that you'll find in the book and a couple of others that are just so beautiful but didn't make it because I had too many. Enjoy!

And, for those of you that are breastfeeding at the moment: TAKE PHOTOS of your own. To me, there is nothing more beautiful that a pic of a baby happily suckling away at the breast. If anyone has photos they'd be happy to share, please email me as I'm hoping to have loads of photos and more great stories posted on this blog during the launch party month of August.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Spotlight on Joy!

I've had some great news on the book front today:
  1. Things are steaming along at the printers.
  2. Mother's Direct - the selling component of Australian Breastfeeders Association - have decided they will stock the book in their online store.
  3. Have heard from three more media contacts about possible reviews/articles/promotions.

But, while you're waiting for more, I thought I'd give you a little insight into why I believed that I should include Frequently Asked Questions answered by a breastfeeding specialist (i.e. lactation consultant) in the book.

Although I strongly believe the book is helpful due to the stories from many different mums about their many different breastfeeding experience, I thought having an expert's advice in the book, meant that Breastfeeders Anonymous offered a whole package. There are a number of informative books out there on the topic and a fair few containing personal experiences, but I beleive the key to a great breastfeeding book is combining both.

Luckily, after a brief search, I found Joy Anderson... and I thought I'd give you a little bit of background info on the lady behind the FAQs sections in the book.

Joy was originally a medical laboratory technologist but following the birth of her first child in 1984 became passionate about the importance of breastfeeding. She has been helping mothers as a breastfeeding counsellor with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (formerly the Nursing Mothers' Association of Australia) for over 20 years, and professionally as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant for over 15 years.
Joy lives in Perth, Western Australia with her husband and two adult children, who were each breastfed for about two years. Joy has a special interest in food intolerance and breastfed babies, and is currently studying full-time towards qualifying as a Registered Dietitian.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Well folks, it's fairly quiet on the Breastfeeders Anonymous front at the moment as with the book gone, all major editing and rewriting is finito. I have been trying my best to send out Press Releases to magazines, newspapers, TV peeps but with two sick boys unable to go to their morning at daycare, this has been slightly difficult. But I'm pressing on. So far, I've heard from one major parenting magazine wanting a review copy, so that will (fingers crossed) go in the post today and a few other publications wanting to discuss possibilities.

In the mean time, I thought I'd leave you with an image of the spine! I absolutely love the spine of my book. Very classy, even if I do say so myself... so (assuming it works), here tis on the right of my post. Do let me know what you think!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Off to the printers...

Today was my self-imposed deadline for getting the final version of ''Breastfeeders Anonymous'' off to the publishers... and, I DID IT!!! With a lot of help from my fabulous mum - computer wiz extrodinaire. I wanted to take a photo of the finish ''pile of paper'' before I sent it off and if I'd remembered, I would have posted it on here, but call it mum's brain, breastfeeder's brain, whatever - I forgot! Thus, this is a dull post without pics.

For the next few weeks, while I wait to get the first copy of my baby in my hands, I'll be working hard on soliciting publicity for the book. Scary stuff, because believe it or not, I'm not very good at being pushy.

Anyway in the mean time, thought I'd just share with you a few of the wonderful things that have happened to me over the course of writing this book:
* I kept my brain active and stimulated while researching and writing the book at a time when I could have been tempted to succomb to daytime television and too much ironing - yeah right!
* I learnt so much, not only about breastfeeding but also about other aspects of mummy-hood, such as labour, natural parenting, etc.
* I "met" loads of wonderful people - experts, mums willing to contribute their personal stories and fabulous photos, and people who were simply happy to help out wherever they can. In the last month or so of putting the book together, this has been even more true. I've made some wonderful contacts both personally and professionally.
* I have become a kind of breastfeeding point-of-call to many friends/acquaintances who know of my interest in breastfeeding and who have subsequently come to me for questions, support! Keep coming - breastfeeding is something I love to discuss and love to encourage.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Hiya folks

Well, if you've found your way here, it's probably because you're a friend or have simply clicked that little button that says next blog, because I'm not giving this addie to the gorgeous general public as yet. But, I thought a few of you, who've known about my book for ages, might like to keep updated over the next few weeks as things really start to happen. So, where am I at?

Breastfeeders Anonymous, which began about two years ago has been all over the world with an agent looking for a publisher. We had little bites and a few requests for major changes, but in the end, we (that's Joy - my co-author - and I) decided that publishing the book independently would mean we got to hold onto our vision.

The book is currently in the final stages of proofing and layout and will hopefully be on its way to my lovely printers ( on Monday. At this stage, I suppose I should thank Mum for all her hard work on the layout, my new friends Jacqui and Peace for their cover designs, Davina and Fay for the cover photo, and Peta and Jen for their clever proofreading skills.

Anyway, I'm currently also trying to gather up some publicity and have put together a press release, which I'm sending out to mags, newspapers, etc. I'll post it below for those who'd like to know a bit more about the book!

Breastfeeders Anonymous – For women who want to breastfeed

Rachael Blair with FAQs by Lactation Consultant Joy Anderson
August 2007, Fontaine Press, RRP $28.95 inc GST

Breastfeeders Anonymous is a light-hearted, informative and easy-to-read book, perfect for new mums or pregnant women hoping to breastfeed. It is not a DIY Guide to Breastfeeding (although there is a chapter on the ‘Mechanics of Breastfeeding); it’s a support group in a book, in which a number of mums relate the good, bad and ugly of breastfeeding.

In addition to the personal stories, Breastfeeders Anonymous also includes:
*Information about issues relating to breastfeeding, specific types of breastfeeding and a chapter on breastfeeding problems.
*Frequently Asked Questions with answers by Lactation Consultant, Joy Anderson.
*A chapter on bottle feeding, which showcases the medical reasons why some women can’t breastfeed.
*A section on breastfeeding related issues such as dummies, sleep, guilt, weight loss and biting.
*A section entitled ‘The Poli-tits of Breastfeeding,’ which explores issues such as human milk banking, feminism, weaning and what men have to do with breastfeeding.
*An overview of the history, culture and politics of breastfeeding over the last five hundred years.
*A section exploring the mechanics of breastfeeding, which also includes resources such as infant weight charts; recommended books, websites and equipment, and contact details for mothering organizations.
*Beautiful breastfeeding photos.
*28 breastfeeding myths busted.

So, if any of you have any media or marketing ideas, please let me know.

Over the next few weeks, I'll keep you up to date on what's happening with publication and in August, I'll run a month long Launch Party on the blog.